How To Renew Road Tax and Insurance In Malaysia

How to renew road tax and insurance in Malaysia? Many of us for decades are renewing the car insurance is either will go directly to over-the-counter insurance company branch or doing it through insurance agents. But if you are choosing the over-the-counter insurance company, you will have to renew your car road tax at a local Road Transport Department (JPJ). This is also the reason why agents are surviving in this industry because they will be doing all the jobs for you by charging you a minimum service charge for doing the errands for you or maybe by earning only a little bit of commission on your purchase of car insurance from them. Renewing the car insurance is an annual thing, so many of us don’t really remember how to do it and some don’t even remember what car insurance covers they were buying. In here, I will further explain in details the types of insurance covers and their difference.
Process Of How To Renew Road Tax and Insurance in Malaysia
- Getting a quote from the insurance company/ agent
- Agreeing on the quote and pay the money
- Insurance is created/ renewed in the system
- Pay the road tax at a local Road Transport Department (JPJ)
- Collect the insurance cover note and road tax from the agent
Important Information To Be Given To The Insurance Agent For A Quote
- Changing new insurer/ agent– (to provide previous car insurance cover note and individual/ business details.
Individual details – (Name/ IC Number/ Nationality/ Race/ Date of Birth/ Gender/ Full Address/ Occupation/ Marital Status/ Contact details)
Business details – (Company Name/ Business Registration Number/ Nature of business/ Company Address & Contact Details)
Log Book – Preferably to provide this to the insurer/ agent for first time quote because it contains all the information of the car needed to key into the system to get a quote.
2. Existing insurer/ agent – normally the insurance company/ agent will contact the insured for renewal. They do not need you to give all the information as above because all information is already in the system. What the insurance company or agent needs is your confirmation on the vehicle sum insured, any addition or elimination of extra covers, and any changes to the named drivers.
Understanding Different Basic Types of Car Insurance Coverage
1.Private Car Comprehensive Motor Insurance
It is also known as first party insurance. It covers three things. First, the loss or damage to your own car by accidental collision. Other than the normal accidental collision, it also covers the loss or damage to the car from causes of fire, vandalism, theft, crushed by fallen object, damaged by animal and natural disasters (with extra extension). Secondly, it covers third Party loss and damage. Lose or damage to the third party car due to your liability when using the car. Third, it covers third party bodily injury and death. Bodily injury and death to the third party due to your liability when using the car.
Other than the basic comprehensive coverage, insured may also have additional covers on the car windscreen, special perils, the legal liability to passenger and legal liability of the Passenger and many more. This will be discussed further in details in another topic under Private Car Comprehensive Motor Insurance.
2. Third Party, Fire and Theft Motor Insurance Cover
This insurance covers as in its name the third party loss and damage causes by accidental collision, fire and theft, and also third party bodily injury and death.
3. Third Party Motor Insurance Cover
This insurance covers only the loss and damage to third party and third party bodily injury and death. This type of insurance is the same as above where lose and damage to own car is not covered. This is the minimum cover you must get if you wish to renew your road tax. This insurance is not recommended as you will be exposed to the risk of absorbing your own lost all by yourself. Circumstances of insuring this type of insurance cover is when your car has exceeded the vehicle age limit to be insured with comprehensive motor insurance. To be truthful, this insurance is way cheaper than the comprehensive motor insurance, so no doubt of the popularity of this insurance cover. Vehicle with loan facility is not advised to take this type of insurance cover.
How Early Can I Renew The Car Insurance?
We all have this problem of forgetting to renew the car insurance and road tax on time because renewing the insurance is basically a yearly affair. As long as you don’t get caught I guessed it shouldn’t be a problem. But do remember it is an offence for driving a car on the road without having a valid road tax. And also, you are putting yourself at risk because your car is not covering under any insurance while you are driving! Well for information, the car insurance can be renewed as early as 2 months before your car insurance expiring date through an insurance agent. Other than that your existing insurer will definitely be reminding you on the renewal through calling or messaging to you. So do remember to answer all your phone calls and checking you messages periodically in order not to miss any renewal reminder.
Which Is The Best Car Insurance In Malaysia?
With effect from 1st July 2017, pricing of insurance for Motor Comprehensive; and Motor Third Party Fire and Theft products will be liberalized where insurance premium pricing will be determined by individual insurers and takaful operators.
Determinants of the best car insurance in Malaysia is very subjective. Some might say this insurer is good, some might say another otherwise. So, it all goes down to individual experience in dealing with the insurer. In order to experience the good and bad of an insurance company, one needs to spend at least a few years to tell. This is because all car insurances to me look about the same. You won’t be able to tell which is the best until one day you need to do the claim to your insurance. And I believed no one would want to do that in order to distinguish a better insurer.
Other than that, we rely very much on word of mouth to decide on which insurer is better for us. But again as I have said it is very subjective. We all have different needs. Insurance covers that are suitable for others might not be suitable for you. And again it depends on your very individual experience when buying the insurance and the smoothness in doing a claim.
Actually insurance agents help in distinguishing the insurance company from one another. It is the service provider that making the whole process of insuring your car a hassle free and providing the information and assistance to the insured in a professional way that they expected and needed. Choose the insurance agent that can add value to the insurance covers that you are buying, by answering all your every questions that you need to know is more important.
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