Road Tax Expired Penalty Malaysia

Road Tax Expired Penalty Malaysia
You must be wondering how much is the penalty in Malaysia if your road tax is expired? In Malaysia, if your private vehicle road tax is expired less than a year, there is no penalty to incur. But if your private car road tax is expired for more than a year, then you will have to go to Computerized Vehicle Inspection Centre (PUSPAKOM) nearest to your place to get your vehicle inspected. This vehicle inspection is mandatory and is called special inspection.
Preparation for Special Inspection
In order to go for this special Inspection at the PUSAKOM, first you need to get a few things done. You need to bring your original vehicle registration log book (Geran original) with you. Depending on the types of vehicles, different types of document may be required. Should you need further clarification, please contact the PUSPAKOM at 1-800-88-6927. You will also need a letter from the Road Transport Department (JPJ) to be brought along with you because now your vehicle is without a valid road tax. So it is illegal to drive on the road. The letter is called ‘Surat Pergerakan 3-hari”. After that, of course you need to have your vehicle insurance done before you go for the special inspection. Contact us for this in here to get your car insured. Other than that, you need to make sure your vehicle is in a good condition. A good condition in the sense that at least your vehicle is drivable and is not posing any dangerous to the driver and public and must be within the legal requirements. Actually they are a few items that PUSPAKOM will be checking on, but it sounds very elaboration. We have listed it down in case you are interested to know.
- Testing on the vehicle’s suspension system performance
- Examining the vehicle’s upper body condition
- Checking on the vehicle’s registration, chassis and engine numbers originality
- Measuring the visible light transmittance rating of windscreens and glasses (Tinted – now the permissible tinted on the windscreen and side glasses is 70%. It must be noted that the permissible rating is changing from time to time. To be exact please check with JPJ on this)
- Testing on the vehicle’s front wheels’ alignment
- Measuring the smokes emit from the vehicle is not exceeding from the legal limits.
- Checking on the vehicle brake performance
- Examining the vehicle’s under-carriage condition.
Fees of the Special Inspection
In case you would like to know too the fees imposed by the PUSPAKOM on the special inspection, we have also listed it out for you in here.
- Private Vehicles
Van, MPV, Jeep, Pick-up (Private and Company) | RM50.00 |
Car (Private and Company) | RM25.00 |
Motorcycle and Side Car | RM20.00 |
2. Goods/ Driving Schools
Heavy Lorry (BDM > 6000kg) | RM50.00 |
Light Lorry (BDM < 5999kg) | RM50.00 |
Trailer and Semi Trailer | RM50.00 |
Side Car, Tri-Motorcycle, Motorcycle | RM30.00 |
Prime Mover, Van, Jeep, Pickup | RM50.00 |
Car | RM50.00 |
Tractor | RM50.00 |
3. Public Service
Taxi, car Hire, Limousine Taxi | RM50.00 |
Bus, Mini Bus, Van, Jeep | RM50.00 |
Hire and Drive | RM50.00 |
4. Other Vehicles
Ambulance | RM50.00 |
Hearse (Car) | RM50.00 |
Hearse (Van, Lorry, Bus) | RM50.00 |
Fire Engine | RM50.00 |
Mobile Machinery | RM50.00 |
Caravan | RM50.00 |
Yes, it is a lengthy process, from getting the letter from the JPJ, and insuring your vehicle to sending your vehicle to the nearest PUSPAKOM branch for the special inspection. Sometimes we understand you just don’t have the time to do it or maybe don’t know how to do it. No problem. We can help you. You can engage an agent to do it for you. The fees may vary from agent to agent. The agent will bring your car to the PUSPAKOM to do the special inspection on behalf of you. If you are interested and would like to know more about this information, please click here to contact us.
Sometimes we hear people telling us that they were penalized for their expired road tax. There are many reasons why people are not renewing their road tax on time. For example, like when your vehicle is under a repairing or maybe is under a massive maintenance where at the same time it coincides with the date of your vehicle road tax expiring date. People normally will choose to renew at a later date when the vehicle is ready from the workshop. Or maybe, the vehicle is not in use at the moment because you are going overseas. Bear it in mind, as long as the vehicle with expired road tax is not in use on the road, then you will be saved from any penalization.
Insurance is there to cover you from any risk of losses. No one can penalize you for not renewing it. But you will be losing your NCD/ NCB (No Claim Discount/ Bonus) entitlement if your private vehicle insurance is lapsed for a year and so on. This is how it works. Let’s say your private vehicle NCD entitlement is at the maximum of 55%. For the first year if you are not renewing your insurance, the next year your vehicle NCD entitlement will be reduced to 45%. If your vehicle insurance on the second year is still not renewed, then your NCD entitlement will be further reduced to 38.33%. This NCD reduction will be further reduced until it reaches 0% of NCD entitlement. To reach this stage, you need five years to stop renewing your private vehicle insurance.
In case you do not know, NCD entitlements over the 5 years for private car are as below:
1st Year – 0%
2nd Year – 25%
3rd Year – 30%
4th Year – 38.33%
5th Year – 45%
And onwards – 55%
NCD entitlements for motorcycle and commercial registered vehicles are as below:
1st Year – 0%
2nd Year – 15%
3rd Year – 20%
4th Year and onwards– 25%
When you are not renewing your vehicle insurance, make sure you are really not using your vehicle on the road. Or else you are exposing yourself to the potential risks like the losses in an accident and the most importantly getting a summon/ compound from the traffic officer.
Late Road Tax Renewal Malaysia Road Tax Expired Penalty Malaysia